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Professor Ryszard Tadeusiewicz with the title of AGH University Honorary Professor

Image of Professor Tadeusiewicz in the group of Professors with the AGH University Rector, all wearing ceremonial gowns and insignia in the AGH University assembly hall.

Photo by Paweł Oleksik

Professor Ryszard Tadeusiewicz with the title of AGH University Honorary Professor

The title of AGH University Honorary Professor was recently awarded to a prominent inter- and multidisciplinary scholar, Professor Ryszard Tadeusiewicz. The awarding ceremony took place on 5 July 2024.

The title was given to him in recognition of his activity for the development od biocybernetics, biomedical engineering, medical computer science, and AI in terms of research and staff training as well as for his consistency in promoting holistic education of engineers at the AGH University.

“Today, when awarding the title of AGH University Honorary Professor to Professor Tadeusiewicz, we express our deepest respect and gratitude for his outstanding accomplishments, engagement, and passion which have been enriching our university and community for decades now. In his work and commitment are not only an inspiration, but also a role model for all who wish to devote their life to science and education,” Rector Jerzy Lis said. “Your work has left undeniable traces in the history of our university and our hearts. I sincerely congratulate you on your rich academic career. For years, you have been raising the prestige of our Academy. You have always supported young researchers by showing them the right path and passing on some of your wealth of experience. On this special day, we would like to express our gratitude for your effort and dedication,” Rector Lis emhasised.

Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science, and Biomedical Engineering, AGH University Associate Professor Ryszard Sroka, who presented Professor Tadeusiewicz’s biogram and justification for the application to the Faculty College, said:

“According to the AGH University book of traditions, the title of honorary professor is the highest dignity that the university may confer on an employee, in recognition of their outstanding merits in scientific, teaching, organisational, and social activity. I do not need to convince anyone that in all these areas Professor Ryszard Tadeusiewicz's achievements are outstanding. The ceremony associated with conferring the title is always a grand celebration for the university and the faculty applying for it."

The laudation of Professor Tadeusiewicz was delivered by Professor Piotr Augustyniak from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science, and Biomedical Engineering, Professor’s disciple. The moving speech was filled with personal references and reminiscences.

“(...) I will avail myself of the privilege of a more personal, long-winded account and present the Honourable Candidate subjectively. (...) What could be more honourable for a scientist than to deliver a laudation to his master, mentor, supervisor, and patron? Professor Tadeusiewicz has been playing all these roles in relation to me for 35 years. Dates on the calendar, circumstances and names of functions change, but this relationship remains the same.”

After the ceremony of conferring the title and insignia, Professor Tadeusiewicz delivered a lecture on the beginnings of biomedical engineering at the AGH University.

Then, Professor Marek Gzik, secretary of state in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, took the floor and thanked Professor Tadeusiewicz for his academic activity, input in the development of biomedical engineering, and congratulated him on his accomplishments. He also expressed his hopes for Professor Tadeusiewicz to continue to support Polish science and serve the country even further. Moreover, he brought a letter from Minister Dariusz Wieczorek.
