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Equality Ombudsperson began his mission at the AGH UST

A smiling man with glasses wearing a burgundy jacket and a black polo neck. The photo was taken in the main hall of the Main Building, with a pillared cloister and stairs in the background.

Equality Ombudsperson began his mission at the AGH UST

In November 2022, Artur Lesner, the AGH UST Equality Ombudsperson, joined our academic community. He will work to ensure equal treatment and equal opportunities throughout the university.

The scope of duties of the new Ombudsperson includes the following:

  • Accepting reports on the violation of equal treatment in the AGH UST community (from employees, students, and colleagues)
  • Intervening when the principles of non-discrimination / equal treatment have been violated at the AGH UST
  • Developing solutions to problems resulting from the violation of the equal treatment principle
  • Offering help to people who experience unequal treatment within the AGH UST community
  • Taking action to support the elimination of all forms of discrimination and unequal treatment at the AGH UST
  • Supporting the academic community in the implementation of procedures to counteract discrimination
  • Initiating solutions for equal treatment and taking action to support people and groups of people particularly exposed to discrimination or experiencing it
  • Participating in actions that lead to updating the code of conduct at the AGH UST, which determines acceptable and unacceptable norms of behaviour at the university

The Equality Ombudsperson will also work closely with the Team for Gender Equality Plan at the AGH UST to oversee and implement institutional solutions that support equal treatment.

Artur Lesner is a lawyer, a graduate of the JU Faculty of Law and Administration, and a member of the Cracow Bar Association as a trainee legal advisor. For the last five years, he has been working at one of Krakow’s law firms and participating in social actions aimed at raising legal awareness and equality. He devotes his free time mostly to theatres and cinemas, he reads books, and sings in a choir.
