Wykład zatytułowany AI and music – from a musician's point of view wygłosi dr Marcin Strzelecki z Akademii Muzycznej im. Krzysztofa Pendereckiego w Krakowie.
Recent advances in the field of AI surprise, delight and worry at the same time. Technology is entering areas that were previously solely the domain of organic intelligence. The applications of AI in art are particularly intriguing. Questions arise about the possibility of replacing people in creative fields. There are many misunderstandings and poorly asked questions in that matter. Music, as we understand it in the North Atlantic cultural circle, is a very particular case. On the one hand, it seems to be susceptible to various generative procedures, including mathematical operations, but on the other hand, it is full of nuances that still make it difficult to generate it convincingly. From a musician's point of view, the two main questions to ask here are: (1) what music are we talking about? (2) who evaluates the result of the procedure?